Why do we fail to Learn Ourselves?( Day#8)

Shihab Uddin
3 min readDec 16, 2018


Image Credit : Our Good friends at Unsplash

Yes, Its true. I have failed, failed to teach myself the hard lessons of life. We will always need teachers, schools, universities and academic systems to teach us.

From the childhood, I had a blend of both, Sometimes I learned myself, sometimes through school, universities. When I was blended with universities, schools,it seemed I would do a better job if I have learned by myself. But when I was in full charge, I failed myself too.

Learning by ourselves, alone is tough, in fact impossible, we need blend of both, A system and Our own reflections, combination of both, building a system by thyself is tough, even impossible. I have tried many times but I was unsuccessful. I guess its possible for people who have enormous amount of drive, but for Me it was surely impossible.

I do better when I am following a system as well as doing a little bit on my own.

Self-discipline and moving our all energy towards our esteemed goals is one of the most important tasks for achieving something good or great. But unfortunately I fail almost everyday to do this. I make plans, make schedules but in the end, I spend my time doing something else. I know there’s no bravery or goodness writing about it.

I read somewhere environment is important a lot in it, I mean whether I have the right people around me, right tool-sets, right things to create a mindset. I think its also not important. For somethings we need stress, enormous amount of struggle, tough times to survive.

Another important thing is short sighted thinking. All of us including me wants a pleasure that is right now in front of me. It could eating sweet foods, sleeping more, spending hours posting mundane and stupid comments on facebook and also wanting good scores, good health, good money at a same time.

We want all the fruits, all the good things for ourselves living aside the toiling, hard work, following our wrong feelings, not controlling our impulses. Because we are just too human, flawed, weird, imperfect creatures. I am writing about this does not mean I am perfect, I think a little bit more flawed, weird than everyone else.

Anyways when I was a little child, I used to make plans everyday, I am gonna wake up at 6 AM everyday, in fact I have been always an early riser unless in rare occasions, study hard, not speak too much, not smile for silly reasons as people may think of me as dumb. Unfortunately I did everything of those every single day.

I also follow the same routine almost everyday, I envision a best day, best hour, doing what would make that day a better one than the earlier one. Then try to follow the same, but like a little child I do not curse myself or bang my head on walls for failing. I just move on with a new plan.

Yes, in my childhood I used to be much frustrated with myself if I have failed to do something I used to bang my head on walls and once I even head a small head injury due to this.

When I woke up like at 6.20 AM, I used to become so much furious of myself, my father always consoled me, move on, use the time you have right now. But I needed to do something to reduce my anger on myself, sometimes I even broke home utensils, blamed my parents, other things.

But the truth is most of the times what happens to us, we are solely responsible for that. For almost anything, we can say if there was a better system we could be a little bit better. But that’s also a fallacy, cause a lot of people are doing much better following the existing system too. We failed to cope up with the existing system at first place, that was our individual failure.

I think most important is seeking help when required, trying our best within a time frame and adapt whenever required — that would be reason for us failing ourselves everyday. Regularity is important, success is a lifestyle, not an individual degree or any specific achievement.



Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/

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