Wary of a Bad Night
And Controlling the Blue time : No Blue November Day 8 & 9
When I have a bad night with one or two hours of sleep the whole next day goes away in wary and mundane feelings of bad things. I feel like being a suicide bomber killing thousands of people( full disclosure: I will never do it, and I prefer to be suicide bomber than being a lone person who commits suicide).
I need to work on several strategies to find a better solution of it. Anyways I am trying to get back on my regular schedule of writing. I listened to some noble laureate few years back, she was saying she forced herself to write almost everyday, I don’t know I am forcing myself or not, but I believe writing is something that happens to me automatically, its the autopilot who runs the show.
I am trying to put on some other things on the auto-pilot though, such as getting rid of the sub-conscious negativity or passive thoughts, revenge inner monologues, rather bring back the focus on inner, thyself, cultivating my best self in both inner and outer shape, and creating more saner mind.
Meditation is a great tool which is helping me, I also need to find other resources and remain more cautious I don’t overdo and obsessed about it to.
I am here for myself and that is enough for the time-being.
With this …
ON a Wonderful Day..
Shihab Uddin
11th November, 2019