There’s no Point in Living Negativity
And Being Open to Alternatives: No Blue November Day 16
I was reviewing this morning on what happened yesterday and why I felt incredibly bad, and what was going on inside my conscious and sub-conscious mind.
All the negativity started from the previous night, people are generally good unless their interests being harmed in any condition. Dealing with sub-conscious negativity and creating optionality these two helps a lot in such cases.
I need to practice calming down myself in those conditions, not venting my anger on my brother or someone else. Dealing with Anger, Sub-conscious negativity, revenge fantasies which comes automatically in my mind now-a-days I am trying to work on them through different spiritual practices such as Breathing Techniques, meditation and prayers. I don’t know I will be able to get rid of them completely or not but I will get to somewhere peaceful, that’s what I duly believe and admire.
Also I am trying to work on different methodologies to experience some quality time with my brother such as Singing, Playing Games, Dance etc. I want to give him a more profound human experience. I feel like the work I have done so far in my professional career I was never been able to of service to somebody except myself. As I am not working now professionally, at least I could be able to of service to one human being, I saw the mad beggar this morning again picking thrown away foods left portions and arranging them for a meal. This is quite pathetic, my brother could have been someone like that, as he does not understand what is dirt or what is food. I need to design an eco-system where he can be supported well and my family remains well in any sudden calamity for me. Life is always uncertain and I need to do more research on that how part.
I am doing my finances for up to June,2020 with all kind of optionality and preferences, I need to be more cautious and wise here. I did not do much better in last 6 months and took some irrational emotion driven decisions.
Anyways I am getting better in these I guess withstanding more time, Concluding with these on a wonderful cold Day …
Here at British Council Library, Dhaka
Shihab Uddin
November 17, 2019