The Most Thing to Me Is
Day 2 : Well-Being, Family and Work
Yesterday like always I planned for big things during the day later ended up doing nothing, which I really want to break somehow. Anyways I made some positive changes too.
My deal Weekend are :
Morning: Waking up during usual hour at 5 AM then do my morning things, have a long walk or bi-cycle ride.
Then do my Study things, Work things during the day.
Evening :At evening have some fun things to do with friends or etc, later at the night plan for the next week major events, and have a good night sleep.
Gratitude: I am really happy that I know wonderful people such as the peon in the bank and the bank people who helped me to withdraw money yesterday even after I have reached there late, at the end of banking hours.
And most important thing in my life — My well being, both physical and mental, then my family and work. I always try to follow this order, whatever happens I need to follow this.
Well-being is the most important thing in case of any circumstances.
Self -Care Journal on 24th May, 2019