The Human Moment

And Taking rationality Irrationally: No Blue November Day 11

Shihab Uddin
2 min readNov 12, 2019

Yesterday was an amazing day, I had tackled my stress and panics quite well. Such as finding the document for collecting my brothers biopsy report or day end frustration of not accomplishing my daily task list or any other such things.

I have been trying to deal with my capability of remaining focused and chasing a goal and what happens within my mind, why I get away from my focus very quickly, I need to find a better way to observe, kind of observing at meta level and regain control of my mind at meta level.

This morning I was listening to “Nassim Nicholas Taleb Skin in the Game” — to be mentioned I read Nassim many times, but every time I listen to him I gain new insights, new knowledge. Also the courage to take knowledge less seriously.

In the real world knowledge is very less important than doing…, In fact humans are better at doing than knowing, understanding, Not knowing is okay and it’s a part of our lives.

Right now the biggest challenge for me is to calm down myself, keeping myself grounded and finding myself again through all the experimentation or wild passage of uncertainty, I am not looking for to gather or garner more insurance schemes, rather I am trying to empower myself to go through all kind of odds, that’s what I have been trying to do for quite a few years.

I am okay, and that’s what matters for now.. And I think I am quite ahead to adopt my desired “Fuck You Money, Fuck You world Attitude”.

With this On a Misty morning with prospect of an amazing Day..

Shihab Uddin

November 12, 2019



Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin:

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