Take it Slow
And Make It Count, Stop Experiment for a While: My Writing Therapy Day 23
I was intending to fast yesterday, but later I ended up binging at the Library Cafe and later I went for a good food at a favourite food place of mine. I was quite surprised that the people there recognise me. Its funny though, but every place I go, the first thing I do is to taste food all the restaurants nearby, and become familiar with them.
Anyways I have forgiven myself for what happened yesterday, I cannot change it, I weighted myself this morning and much harm is not done, only gained 400 milligrams which I can easily reduce with an intense workout.
Another interesting thing I learned yesterday, my blues start from when I go drowsy or lay down in the middle of the day or when I am not sleeping. So, I need to stop myself at any cost to go drowsy or go to bed.
I am back on my regular diet from today. Three priorities for each day kind of making things messy and not achievable. I have readjusted my goal system to one top goal and two supporting goals — such as creating the best body and best home -auxiliary cause they will be supporting and never ending, and creating the best IELTS Score primary, and do something in that direction everyday.
And make a balance between testing time and preparation time, but what I observed from last few days, taking one mock each day helps me to develop strategies of my own to tackle each section like gym, showing up everyday, someday I am good at some sections and bad at others. But generally I develop strategies to finish it all.
Whatever, in the final exam, I may end up being good at some and bad at others, so it doesn’t really matter. It matters, is showing up and doing the work continuously and not losing hope — -
There will be a better future and something that will be better or even with Now- that’s what I can come with my Optimist self.
Shihab Uddin
16th October, 2019