Problem Solving
Stuck in Mathematics: Morita Therapy
I am back in the library and most funny thing is that I completely forgot all the things I have learned in the first 3 lectures in the Micro-masters course. Now I am looking at the question sets of the Mid-term and I fill like I remember about the terms and notions, but unfortunately I simply don’t have any idea on how to solve them.
The dateline is tomorrow, what Can I do is to
a- Give up
b- Take today to understand the problems and review all the concepts tonight at home and come back tomorrow to solve the problems.
I guess I will do the later, in fact I am on it and at least understanding the problem at first solves it more than 50% and if I can solve this at least I can solve a lot other problems like this.
Anyways, that’s for today. I started my day with the IELTS mockup, I hope I will do one of those each day before starting my day.
That’s it for today.