Personal Life
And Sustainability
There’s a new term or I would say old term with new meaning being rephrased now-a-days a lot. It is called Sustainability.
What I understand so far its meaning is doing something that has long product life cycle i.e long en-durability. I mean if I invest on something or do something that is viable for a longer period.
I love the term and philosophy behind. I have looked in my life, things I have done prior or things I have done earlier kind of not that much tangible. I am trying to say, a lot of things I have invested on in my early life kind of became vague now.
So, I have taken a decision — I will only invest my time, money, energy and emotions only on things that will endure for a longer period. However Its quite impossible for all the domains or for all the situations. But I will try to ask this question before doing everything — How long this is going to last ?
Journal On 26th November, 2018