Mixing Dimensions

And finding myself : No Blue November Day 7

Shihab Uddin
3 min readNov 10, 2019

Yesterday I had attended an impromptu workshop of a Sci-fi writer from UK at the library. It seemed to be a demonstration of his work, mostly several series for teen people.

Personally I don’t like at all fantasies, and I live and breathe in a real world, but I was there for two reasons..

1- Whether I could grasp his UK English …or how much percentage .. I kind of managed to grasp 50–60% on an average, which is I am currently working on a daily basis now, trying to improve my English absorption capability on a day to day basis wherever I am listening anything English, whether its a song or a documentary or a lecture.

2- Knowing his delivering methods of workshop.. which I can make use later…

The Guy really worked hard, his structure was quite good, at first he started with a little bit of his work summary, then a Pop Quiz with Guessing characters from Images, kind of Yes or No Type, then sharing trailers of his work that has been converted into movie or shows I assume, later he read few pages from his book.

Then he took a five minutes break, after that he was sharing structure of this kind of fantasies.. and definition of Plotter and Pantser,

Plotter- is someone who plans out everything before writing and Pantser is someone who just flies according to the ideas flowing, with that way of thinking I am definitely a Pantser, as far I understood.

Anyways I had asked the writer my Signature question, why the main character needs to be a Hero or Be a Special Character, the writer was smart, he responded wisely that its not to be a Hero always, is someone who is a protagonist, he might have wins and failures as we always have in our lives.

But I have learned about the structure about this stories. I forgot later the structure, and could not find anywhere in the internet also exactly the author had drawn in the board. Then somehow I got reminded I had taken few pictures, I’ll keep it here.

Structure of fiction Shared by Curtis Jobling

And it was a wonderful day also. I had learned a lot about writers world, but one thing really bothers me, having an audience being a writer is amazing, but it’s not about doing a bestseller or earning money through it. I am saying it because I just do it for myself, to ground myself to create something from my life experience, and that is enough for me, if someone reads and someone does not, I don’t really bother at all.

My current mindset is probably I will be doing it till I am 80, if I remain alive by then.

I skipped writing 2 days( Had a bad night and everything dwindled after it as always happens, now just trying to catch up, anyways who cares or gives a fuck).

Shihab Uddin

November 10, 2019



Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/

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