Managing People is Always Hard
But keeping them on hook always helps : My writing Therapy Day 34
2 min readOct 28, 2019
Yesterdays highlight was :
- My brother had shitted and kind of used it to wrap him around, this has happened before, may be he was afraid, but the caregiver women called and shared about her dissatisfaction. I told her he doesn’t understand anything, may be he was afraid for some reason. I assume she was trying to make a point to increase the remuneration or something like that. I have decided if they ask about something about like that I will give them forced leave for a month.
- Secondly I had worked out well, also slept well. One thing that is bothering me is the cleanliness of my apartment and decluttering things that are not required or need to be sold or got rid of off. I will make a work plan today on it and start to act on it with the help of the maid, and she needs to be given specific task. As it’s a task of uplifting her quality of work, probably it will require certain amount of procedural update.
- I have just drawn a mind-map of cleaning and decluttering, I will do it gradually with the available time, by myself and with the help of my maid. I hope I will be able to do it quite well. I will just do it and tick mark the work done.
- Best way to deal with Overwhelm is breaking it down to small min tasks and take it one at a time. I always had the knowledge, but these days I guess I am trying to learn and put into practice. I feel happy, balanced and whole now, needing nothing.
With this …
Good morning .. I wish you also a wonderful day wherever you are…
Shihab Uddin
28th October, 2019