Looking Forward
Day 1 : Challenging But Not losing Hope
Yesterday was a pretty ordinary day, I started my day being panicked for work while at the end of the day I ended up doing nothing. Later in work I failed to concentrate at all, later kind of passed the day calling people or being depressed.
I say always, I want to change me, myself but in actual case it happens every less. Almost it happens pretty much the very same, so here, it is the ideal day I want:
1- Ideal Morning — Waking up at 4–5 A.M- Saying Morning Prayer — DO 1 Mock of IELTS- Run 50 Minutes- then prepare brother and head to office.
2- Ideal workday — Discuss with boss about what needs to be done, and at the end of the day around 4 PM show boss day’s work.
3-Ideal evening — come to home around 6 PM, do my evening meditation and Study- IELTS faults + Practice faulty parts — Spend two hours studying, dinner, prepare brother for dinner, bed, then Workout for 50–1 hours, Study office works 1 hours, plan for next day Office + Personal To do and Sleep /Go to Bed to sleep by 10 PM.
Complete — everyday gratitude journal or good things journal — about things I am happy. And things I want to avoid in future before going to bed.
Mental Health Journal — 1
If I weren’t afraid, I would —
I would run everyday faster — than 6 KM per hour. I would be more confident and bold and had the power of letting go of everything, achieve all the dreams I have, mind, body and soul.
I would be more accomplished, achieved or such. I would argue, debate and win every debates. And at the end I would be happy like ever before.
Self -Care Journal on 23rd May, 2019