Letting Go
And Enjoying the Gift of Life
I went to a psychiatrist lately to find out what’s wrong with me. He told I have a disease called Dysthymia. As far I know the disease hinders my ability to concentrate and find joy in moments. It feels like almost everyday I am doing the very same thing all my life, failing again and again.
I want to stop this loop and move forward, do something differently. And I don’t know how.
Today also I was feeling a lot anxious about an emotional attachment, that I have given to wrong person. I felt like betrayed, I don’t know why.
Love is strange, my commitment to myself is I will keep my good heart enabled, nurturing purity and love for someone very special — whom I haven’t met yet.
Let’s see how life unfolds, every bits, moments, seconds or whatever, try, fail, learn, let is continue — Anxious moments, thoughts all are quite worthless.
— Journal on 10th June,2019 — Shihab Uddin