Let Go
of everything, that is others
I’m okay…I am trying my best to let go of everything that is not mine. People, women’s, expectations, hope and all that things. I am here, alive, breathing and that is important now. Nothing else is not important for me now.
I am awake, breathing, I can function, all of my organs are functioning fairly well. Also I have a wonderful support network in the library and gym too.
I am living, I did not accept defeat…but I don’t have much hopes either. Even when I was writing this subconsciously those things kind of coming back in my mind…Oh dear.
I want to be the happiest man alive on my own terms…Letting go of all the societal pressure and etc.
I am here alive, that’s what I know and that’s what matters for me now.
Shihab Uddin
22nd September, 2019