Investment on Me
One thing I was never cautious about was about boundaries, putting strong and strict boundaries in my interpersonal relationships …
- Both with friends
- Family
- Work Relationships
- And Surroundings
Often people try to get closer with pity and sympathy stories of how fucked up my life is and get some benefit. These days I am extra cautious about avoiding those people.
And Secondly I need to learn to stop sharing much, specially to people who are not listening. Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend, he was not listening at all and not even empathising…besides I kept talking and shared the whole story.
I need to learn to identify these triggers and end the conversations right away.
Life is good, I am whole, I need nothing and I am rebuilding my core..getting ready for a rebirth.
If I survive this year, I will do my next year as if my last years in the planet, only invest my time ,energy, emotions and attention on the things that really matters to me.
People who value me and my contribution in their lives, and bring joy rather than brining toxicity in my life.