I plummet and Seek Refuge Within

Is judgement worth it? | An Ordinary Human Beings Journal

Shihab Uddin
1 min readJun 24, 2021

Every day I indulge myself in some unhealthy practices. Then I feel guilty and start beating myself. My therapist was saying, You are constantly analyzing yourself, it is a good thing but it is also a double edge sword.

Such as the guilt and shame spiral I go into afterwards. A lot of things are going on inside my inner mind. Most important question is, how I am gonna spend the rest of the time I have left on the planet.

I do not know yet, but I want to live it as gently I can protect my inner calm and as much peacefully possible.

Still, I do not know how, But I am not also focusing on the bigger picture or big goals, just focusing on the current day…But My mind still projects too much forward in a lot of areas. I was trying to meditate and work out this morning, thus reduce my acting out with technology, food and other behaviours.

A mashup starting from 5 minutes meditation, 5 minutes workout increasing up to 30 minutes was the target. I ended up quitting at 20 minutes. But I did accomplish something. Not much though.

I love myself, no matter how stupid, ignorant or biased I am.

I am here, standing tall for myself, with what I have this moment and that is enough for the time being.

With very best to the world and universe and all the good wishes for everything around




Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/

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