I found a Lot of Time
And a little of Calm
After meditating everyday from last 6 months I found the most unexpected answer from all my cravings …
My cravings of being loved….
My desires about establishing a more bigger, better and higher career..
My hopes for a better future and so on…
I don’t need to prove anything to anybody, I also do not need anybody, all I need is inside myself, everything I need is within.
All I have is me, and that is enough.
This morning I woke up around 6, I don’t know I am not tracking much time these days, I am just making sure I have good days with better feelings and in some days if bad feelings comes just let them go, or observe them from an observer mode.
Just let it be, whatever it is, no change is required.
I have settled down quite well in the library and in everywhere. I just need a find a better ecosystem for supporting my brother. Right now I am locking him inside my apartment for eight hours( my library time).
One Solution could be installing a camera with internet access to check in, another solution could be hiring human to be with him.
But Second one seems very hard and humans are incredibly hard to manage, so I will proceed on the first one. And this is just 40 hours 5 days a week.
Hopefully I will find a better way.
Things will be better, if it becomes more worse, I will fight with my ..
That’s it for today.
With this on a wonderful Cold Morning…
Shihab Uddin.