I am happy to Let go
This Morning : My writing Therapy Day 17
Getting rid of judgement, letting go of attachment and direct communication is one of the key things I have found so far in my journey of healing and coping.
I don’t know where I am going but I am living that is important for me now. I need to keep myself alive for myself, not for anyone else. I did a self love meditation this morning.
Life is a whole experience, but I won’t let other people/external sequences to disturb my mood or my wholeness.
I started this morning the wonderful song … I have been singing for quite a while … is Courage of Manowar…this song gives me tremendous amount of power and etc.
Its been a wonderful day so far, Dealing with people is always hard, the best way is to open communication, talk straight and let go…
I will take care of myself whatever happens …
Good Morning Btw..
October 10, 2019
Shihab Uddin