Here I am
Fighting Again
Emotional Power+ Economic Solvency + Physical Strength = My version of Grounded life.
Habits I am working on —
Physical Strength:
(a) Morning Run 5 K daily and on Weekend Morning Cycling with BD Cyclist
(b) Gym Work Out 6 Days a Week
(c ) Two big meals a day at morning and evening and during the time peanuts, fruits, green tea
(d) On weekends 24 hour water fast and one day a week 24 hour dry fast
Economic Solvency :
(a) $1000 bucks income in parallel
Emotional Power:
(a) sleeping 8–9 hours straight
(b) meditative prayers 5 times in a day
(c ) morning meditations
(d) affirmations for Self Confidence, Self Control, Self Esteem, Self Discipline and being Self Reliant.
(e) work on fear of datelines, stress, anxiety, emotional attachment management
I don’t have much to say except sharing I am just trying to be better, live better and feel better.