Healing and Coping
In a world I don’t understand : My writing Therapy Day 7
I am trying to live an honest, authentic and joyful life. Yesterday it was raining when I got out from the library, I found some incredible people in the library. But as always I failed to keep boundaries, it’s a challenge again that I need to cope up with.
My cycle tires went out of the air, I prevented the panic attack, held myself then walked to home, the walk was joyful.
The walk was long but I felt energetic during it, at last coming back I was tired, straight went to bad.I need to work on my habit of masturbating, but I slept later, yesterday I did not wake up at all.
Oh, I sent a text to Gillian, god, I love her so much, I don’t know what she does, or does she have any feelings about me or not. But she is wonderful, I want to keep her in my life, as I promised to her also.
It’s been a tremendous morning so far. I danced a little bit and felt happy.
Let’s see what I can make out of the day.
Have a good day … to you guys out there.
Shihab Uddin
30th September, 2019