Fulfilment on a Day to Day Basis
2 min readMar 11, 2020
What I am trying to learn about now-a-days what gives me a sense of inner calm or equanimity. So far I found out following …
- A full nights sleep uninterrupted .. 8–9 hours. Somedays I am sleeping 9 plus hours but its okay, it is helping to develop my body and mind. But no naps or laying down except sleeping at night at any time during the day or evening. Bed is strictly restricted for the sleep at night. Although I still struggle to sleep on the alternate day but I am trying to reduce it by doing two things .. one — forgetting it is the alternate day, two — working extra hard on the alternate day, standing up fully, sitting for very minimal hours so that I become so tired to sleep tight. But even though if I cannot sleep I wake up do some household chore such as cleaning or etc or meditate or read a book, earlier I used to call people randomly or show helplessness or masturbate continuously till I become super tired, I have stopped doing that now.
- Meditation two hours .. one in the morning and one in the evening. Non doing helps to process myself, manage myself well and remaining balanced internally, I am still failing to do this regularly but I have intention to make it a firm habit in my day to day lives. My definition of meditation is just sitting still, no movement and no thoughts at all, being fully thoughtless and If I find thoughts arising, just observe them and let them go without letting them grow.
- Workout 6 days in the Gym ..I am working extra hard on the gym, currently mostly on the strength and speed part. I used to run 3 KM in 20 minutes in the treadmill, now I am confining it to 15 and reach 3 KM. I haven’t yet reached that goal though, max was 2.5 as far I can recall. And for other strength training I am training myself to the limit of failure either through more weight or more reps whatever seems easier. But the idea is to go up to max limits so that I feel that I cannot go further than that. Sometimes I start with a very impossible target, which helps in later reps.
- And putting in 4–5 quality hours on Study… I am doing some R&D there such as should I sit for one hour straight or take breaks in 30 minutes and how I process the information learned. But on a daily basis I sit for study I guess for more than that. But this is only for the current task at hand, as I have a very long track record of losing focus and studying something else instead.
But many times remaining unfocused also helps, in that case I play my natural game of life. Oh, at any moment don’t pick a fight, if any event of excessing thought or strong emotions arrive process those with healing practices. Anyways that’s it for today.