Feelings and Behaviour Log
Morita Therapy: Day 13
Feelings and Emotions:
I am feeling better, although its the so called love day, I don’t really feel much to have someone, because I am with me. And for the time-being that is enough. I can fulfil my needs, desires with myself ..
If I need love and affection — I can give myself that.
If I need reassurance — I can give myself that.
If I need validation — I can give myself that.
Some dog shit so called socialite called, I am still feeling bad after receiving the call, he was mostly enquiring about my work situation. Before that giving a lot of bullshits about I care about you and some other fucked up things that this fucked ups do. I need to be cautious in coming days about receiving phone calls too.
A great thing happened that my phone screen broke and I can use it as an excuse to not receive phone calls in future :) .
Anyways I am cleaning my apartment with whole heart … passionately … I should a professional cleaner .. :D