Feelings and Behaviour Log
Morita Therapy: Day 3
After yesterdays attack of negativity, I would say Relapse, I am quite calm now. In my continuous efforts of finding healing, I realise every single day Healing is a continuous journey and Integral part of my Human experience. All the humans are good, its just the context that makes someone worse off, no matter how many times I realise it … or understand it ..
It will be always there. I feel hopeful this day, hope of finding a new way or hope of having a new beginning…
I arrived in the library a little bit earlier and had a good interview session. I found the company quite structured and seems having professional managers. But Probably I will not be hired for this role, as I never worked as a Professional manager.
Professional managers kind of mess up in Software companies, I don’t know what their situation was, but as they depicted they had a good well designed eco-system of solution developed, Probably it is, If it is that’s a good thing.
Anyways it was a good experience earned, learning about a new company from the market.
By the way I will start working on my daily plan.. as my previous mentor said .. Change takes a lot of time, Its just work, continuous daily hard work with extreme focus …