Feelings and Behaviour Log
Morita Therapy: Day 9
Feelings and Emotions:
I am feeling a bit guilty about yesterday, mostly the masturbation part and a bit of helpless but I calmed down quickly but did not cook or went for a walk as pre-planned.
I don’t know may be I need to let go the idea of always in control. I am a human being, deeply flawed and I deserve the right to contradict myself.
In my mind still a lot of thoughts going on what do I do with my life, but for the time-being I found a lot, probably a lot.
Behaviour :
I listened to a one hour conversation yesterday, learning by comprehension seems a great idea. I mean the end goal of learning a language is to able to communicate and also passing the test I required to pass.
But in addition to learning grammar, words, syntax I also need to learn some predefined conversations. Also I have a lot other plans, one funny thing is I always find something to do with myself … in fact this is the core of my life for the time-being …
And I always remain quite worry about the stupid fucking thing called society…