Common Humanity: Its not Just Only Me
Sharing the Regular Days Vicissitudes On an Uniform Scale : My Writing Therapy Day 22
I have been reading a lot about psychology lately, mostly about a lot of Self things, Self love, Self compassion and such things. One of the foundation pillars of Self Compassion is Common Humanity — Accepting that I am not the only person out there experiencing such, everyone else is. The human experience is so strange, everyone experiences the very same but quite afraid to speak up and stand up for themselves.
I can recall examples from a lot of lame excuses people give or I have given over the years to do something I never wanted to do/ refraining to do something that I actually needed to do in that time/occasion. One of the interesting conversations with my ex-boss came up instantly in my mind where he was giving excusing of laying down instantly after going to home. While he had been continuously accusing me for giving lame excuses for not accomplishing tasks right way, But funny thing is that looking within he was doing the very same thing.
Walking the talk is the hardest part — but its okay to embrace failures and then move on from it super quickly adopting a Good Sportsmanship attitude, such as today I did not win, tomorrow I win, not spending much time on celebrating any wins or throwing pity party for losing something, instantly moving on next something — Whatever it is work, relationship etc.
One of my life’s biggest problems so far was — — I wanted to hold on things, whatever it is , work, people, relationships — but Now I am practicing of letting go … flow is more organically, I am here for myself, If I need friends I can find people to do so, If I need help or support I can always find it within my networks …
So, that’s for today, this morning I was intending to fast, then I plummeted after taking medicine, and lemon, ginger and a herb mix… In the library took breakfast and snacks..
I don’t know what I will do next.. But I am so firm of not taking Caffeine or more carb today… And I am experimenting with a reading technique today, I hope it goes well.
All-over I am incredibly happy how life has been treating me lately, I have a wonderful supporting community in Library and Gym, I also feel somedays incredibly happy while waking which did not happen for quite a long time in my life … So here I am for myself.
Shihab Uddin
October 15, 2019