Building Your Core

I call it core, core means things that you want to achieve at any moment and things that you really care for.
Core is something that you will be focusing daily as well as taking tracking your progress towards the expected level.
My Core’s for April 2015 is
Coding Daily
Learn Something new everyday to enrich my coding skills and expected level of competency is to get expertise of to do anything with C#
Writing Daily
Writing daily as simple story and follow update schedule of my other blogs, meaningful contribution to my technical blogs. Expected level of competency is successfully following the post schedule and build real audience
Living Healthy
Strictly follow my diet schedule and do any form of exercise daily( I am doing mostly walking, cycling now) and not spend more than two hours on exercise. Expected level of competency is loosing 5 kg by the end of the month and become 80 kg’s.

Reading Daily
Reading Daily involves Reading English Daily, Technical Books. By the end of the month I want to have seven technical certificates and retake GMAT. I have taken once GMAT, not happy with the score, trying to re-take ASAP.But before that I want to grow capability in myself to score 99% in the exam. So Expected level of competency here taking the Certification exams, Practicing all forms of English( Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) and Re-take GMAT to score 99%.
Bulk tasks are the tasks that comes after the core everyday. I have fixed a schedule to get done with the core everyday by First 12 hours to focus on the Bulk Tasks on Second 12 hours. These are the tasks which are pretty urgent and need to be done ASAP.
So, I am following this schedule now one, Mostly the targets are monthly and reviewed weekly if missed any day, If I miss any day in the mid I am trying to cover up that on another day.
Originally published at