Blue Is Worthless
That’s what I realise After Every Blue Event: Summarising No Blue November & Introducing Detox December
I have been writing for quite a few weeks about my blue time, on summarising I realised the best way to deal with blue is to not considering that I have a Blue disorder or I have any problem at all.
Rather using it as an excuse to do more and have more leisure time, I should use it to cultivate more abilities and things to do using my life or the time and resources I have within reach.
Here’s I am publishing a list of the publications in case I feel like to come back and review those.
- Controlling Both Inner and Outer — To Not Contaminate my presence
- Training Attention Like a Dog — And Coming Back to Presence When I Fuck up
- Working on Breath — Saved me yesterday
- Recognising Body Signals — Being Kind of myself
- Dealing with Wild Tantrums — And Healing my Inner Child
- In a Perfect World — With No Problems what do I want
- Mixing Dimensions — And finding myself
- Wary of a Bad Night — And Controlling the Blue Time
- A Day with Some Achievement — And Dealing with overwhelm
- The Human Moment — And Taking rationality Irrationally
- The Beauty of Adversity — And Living in the Moment
- Facing the World — And not picking up fights
- I Plummeted Yesterday — And Hit my brother, also harmed myself
- Detox Mind, Body, Relationships, Attachments, Analog and Digital Life — And Dealing with rough moments
- There’s no Point in Living in Negativity — And Being Open to Alternatives
- Taking Actions Ferociously — And Finding out effectively what I do not have to do
- Cultivating Focus — Through De-Stressing and Ruthless Prioritisation
- De-Stress And Re-Focus — And Use acquired Self Knowledge
- Who Is In Control? — Taking Control of thoughts, emotions, actions and life
- I had an Anger attack Yesterday — Here’s how I dealt with it
- Sleepless Nights — And Chronic Masturbation
- Re-pArents Myself — or My Future Partner
- Dealing with a Bad Headache — And Need for Over Preparation
- It’s not the Work, its the Stress, Anxiety and Fear — And Peripherals
I have started writing this post probably 3 days before, I need to work on my ability to reach conclusions quickly and accomplish the task in hand. I love procrastinating, it helps sometimes and sometimes does not.
I don’t know also how to approach the problem effectively… But that’s what I am as I was listening today a lot of people praising their misfortune as source of good things, probably I need to do the very same thing.
With this ..
On a Wonderful Cold morning.. One funny thing The British Council Libraries have shut down their Quiet rooms, this is an interesting thing I have learned remove the scarce resource then system will balance itself organically, I was quite surprised finding the library empty this morning..
Life is funny and there’s something to learn from everywhere, isn’t it?
Shihab Uddin
3rd December, 2019