Blue Is Worthless

That’s what I realise After Every Blue Event: Summarising No Blue November & Introducing Detox December

Shihab Uddin
3 min readDec 3, 2019
Amicably Taken from the wild internet, Source :

I have been writing for quite a few weeks about my blue time, on summarising I realised the best way to deal with blue is to not considering that I have a Blue disorder or I have any problem at all.

Rather using it as an excuse to do more and have more leisure time, I should use it to cultivate more abilities and things to do using my life or the time and resources I have within reach.

Here’s I am publishing a list of the publications in case I feel like to come back and review those.

  1. Controlling Both Inner and Outer — To Not Contaminate my presence
  2. Training Attention Like a Dog — And Coming Back to Presence When I Fuck up
  3. Working on Breath — Saved me yesterday
  4. Recognising Body Signals — Being Kind of myself
  5. Dealing with Wild Tantrums — And Healing my Inner Child
  6. In a Perfect World — With No Problems what do I want
  7. Mixing Dimensions — And finding myself
  8. Wary of a Bad Night — And Controlling the Blue Time
  9. A Day with Some Achievement — And Dealing with overwhelm
  10. The Human Moment — And Taking rationality Irrationally
  11. The Beauty of Adversity — And Living in the Moment
  12. Facing the World — And not picking up fights
  13. I Plummeted Yesterday — And Hit my brother, also harmed myself
  14. Detox Mind, Body, Relationships, Attachments, Analog and Digital Life — And Dealing with rough moments
  15. There’s no Point in Living in Negativity — And Being Open to Alternatives
  16. Taking Actions Ferociously — And Finding out effectively what I do not have to do
  17. Cultivating Focus — Through De-Stressing and Ruthless Prioritisation
  18. De-Stress And Re-Focus — And Use acquired Self Knowledge
  19. Who Is In Control? — Taking Control of thoughts, emotions, actions and life
  20. I had an Anger attack Yesterday — Here’s how I dealt with it
  21. Sleepless Nights — And Chronic Masturbation
  22. Re-pArents Myself — or My Future Partner
  23. Dealing with a Bad Headache — And Need for Over Preparation
  24. It’s not the Work, its the Stress, Anxiety and Fear — And Peripherals

I have started writing this post probably 3 days before, I need to work on my ability to reach conclusions quickly and accomplish the task in hand. I love procrastinating, it helps sometimes and sometimes does not.

I don’t know also how to approach the problem effectively… But that’s what I am as I was listening today a lot of people praising their misfortune as source of good things, probably I need to do the very same thing.

With this ..

On a Wonderful Cold morning.. One funny thing The British Council Libraries have shut down their Quiet rooms, this is an interesting thing I have learned remove the scarce resource then system will balance itself organically, I was quite surprised finding the library empty this morning..

Life is funny and there’s something to learn from everywhere, isn’t it?


Shihab Uddin

3rd December, 2019



Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin:

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