Addicted to Books and Optimisation
And Struck by Forgetfulness: 6 Detox December
Over the course of last year I have started reading tons of books and also dozens of courses. Also started optimising many thinks, my mind always kept optimising it up to n-Th level. And I forgot tons of thinks.
To deal with my forgetfulness I adopted many tricks, such as packing my bag the earlier day. Write down the top priorities the day before. I have decided I will not try to remember anything next year, just let it be whatever it is.
As I have wrote many times I am trying to cultivate a focused life, 2020 will be such. I will peacefully get rid of all the unnecessary things from my life.
Now as I can summarise this will be in all domains ..
People .. Technology.. Things and Goods.. I had declared 2019 my year off less bullshit, luckily getting fired has given me enough privilege to adopt it on work domain and as declared prior 2020 will be a year of Focus.
And I will be spending time mostly building my physical strength( spending considerate amount of time in Gym with other professional body builders) and emotional strength( through taking part in aptitude tests, doing Micromasters, learning languages- Arabic and French, Learning Flute, Reading voraciously, Meditating and writing … ).
That’s all I had to offer for today…
I need to stop paying much attention to other people and also my brother, let him be as he is now. And that is enough for the time being. I have tried to map out what does a focused life means to me, I don’t know if it is right or wrong, probably I will find out as time progresses.
By the Way ..Have a Good Day…
Shihab Uddin