A Blissful Day Ahead

on Aspiring being Honest, Authentic and Joyful : My Writing Therapy Day 6

Shihab Uddin
2 min readSep 29, 2019

Today started a bit early, almost everyday I woke up with an alarm which I kind of switch off, I kind of miss the 5 second window that keeps me again in the window. About that 5 second, I read somewhere there is always a 5 second window behind every human decision being yes or not.

Another thing I am trying to understand lately the human biases behind Cognitive Dissonance and time-frame or ways behind shifting from one decision to another. I think that would be a superpower to achieve, If I can hack that for some people.

Yesterday evening kind of went bad, the typical routine of masturbation and other things, I skipped gym though, was feeling a slight pain in my right chest. In fact I still have that pain inside me, once I did a lot of medical diagnosis about that and couldn’t find any reason behind. I will just let it be, and experience, the fun of Pain. Probably its a reflection of the negative emotions.

By the way I had some conversation with Masud later at the night, I guess after 6 months or so, he seemed to be happy in his Journey of Phd so far in US. We talked mostly about a friend who is back in his home and working mostly freelance. In fact he supported me a lot when I quit my job first time, although we had a lot of glitches and the business venture was not quite successful but I have learned a lot from him during the journey.

But one thing I am happy about I did not reveal my misery or I am being in bad state. And I need to keep continue doing this and put it into regular practice, as I read yesterday, the ability to see the joyful things or things to be happy and also ability to find the things that are not good, so that I can make use of my problem solver mind there.

Finally, its been a wonderful writing session this morning, I enjoyed it but I switched side a little bit wondering whether someone is peeking into me while writing this, I need to get better at not giving fuck at what others think.

And speak solely from my own.. heart, Truly, Authentically and the way it comes out Raw and Vulnerable.

Good Day.

Shihab Uddin

29th September, 2019



Shihab Uddin
Shihab Uddin

Written by Shihab Uddin

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/

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